todo:AABB colision control
Added "walking" effect and jump (key 'space')(stop time - key 'x')
Added Walk mode/Fly mode for Person Control (key 'f')
Added Clouds & Fog
Added direct light (sun light emulation)
Added Alien (fishAI)
Change weather-source to https://openweathermap.org/
Added ParticleText class & particle message function
Added Fireplace
Added Cat (kbugAI)
Remake kbugAI with terrain height
Added terrain height function
Added water shaders
Added list of entities (key 'E')
Added Tree & eTree
Added Fish & fishAI
Added Lake
Added Ground plane modificator
/* TO DO:
User Interface
First Person Control *
Fly Person Control *
Wheather * (snow, rain, clear)
Sun/Moon controller & Season controller
Physics controller *
Path finding
AI Controller (https://codepen.io/uggway/pen/MpKPQG) *
Animals & Insects (bee, worm, etc) * (https://codepen.io/uggway/pen/MpKPQG)
Particle Engine *
Entity * (https://codepen.io/uggway/pen/mWVzRy)
Grass generator * (https://codepen.io/uggway/pen/jBWQwQ)
Stone generator * (...)
Mesh generator * (...)
Procedural texture generator * (...)
Landscape generator
Buildings generator
Mesh modificators
Portals *
Local Server (Local World Container)
Peer Connection
Signal server
Text chat
Video chat
Video stream
Destruction mesh
See the Pen my little world by uggway (@uggway) on CodePen.